As a modern health university, UMIT - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, in Hall in Tirol in Austria, has specialized in new vocational fields and research areas and thus responds to the latest challenges in healthcare and technology.
As a modern health university, UMIT - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, in Hall in Tirol in Austria, has specialized in new vocational fields and research areas and thus responds to the latest challenges in healthcare and technology. With its focus areas Mechatronics, Medical Technology, Medical and Biomedical Informatics, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Health Sciences, Nursing Science and Gerontology, supplemented by university training courses, UMIT offers high-quality academic education and advanced training in the fields that have turned out to be of increasing importance in modern health care and technology.
UMIT offers research and teaching of the highest quality in close cooperation with the Tyrolean Universities of Applied Sciences and national and international research institutions. The eHealth Research and Innovation Unit of UMIT as the actual partner in the project offers comprehensive expertise in the field of high-quality Electronic Health Records (EHR), health information systems and trans-organizational information exchange as well as in the field of semantically enabled service-oriented architectures.
Several projects have been conducted so far in this domain, such as the development of several clinical study registries (e.g. Austrian Society for Hematology etc.) or the FWF - OntoHealth project. The Research Unit was also active in relevant EU funded projects such as epSOS or the EHR-Q Thematic Network. Research fields of the Research Unit include amongst others: the development and implementation of trans-institutional information systems (including EHRs); the support of medical information exchange and information management between different healthcare providers; ontologies and semantic reasoning; EHR security and standardization.