List of FAIR4Health Open Community members
List of FAIR4Health Open Community members:
- A. Anil Sinaci (SRDC Software Research & Development and Consultancy Corp.). Turkey.
- Alfred Winter (Universität Leipzig). Germany.
- Alicia Martínez-García (SAS). Spain.
- Alper Teoman (SRDC Software Research & Development and Consultancy Corp.). Turkey.
- Amandeep Kaur (Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women). India
- Andreas Panayides (3aHealth). Cyprus.
- Angèle Bénard-Sankaran (VHIR). Spain.
- Angus Whyte (Digital Curation Centre). United Kingdom.
- Antonio Gimeno Miguel (Instituto Aragones de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS)). Spain.
- Avril Palmeri (Newcastle University). United Kingdom.
- Beatriz Poblador-Plou (Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud). Spain.
- Bojan Zaric (Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad). Serbia.
- Brendan Dunphy (C-BIA Consulting Ltd). United Kingdom.
- Brian Alper (Computable Publishing LLC). United States.
- Carlos Cavero Barca (Atos Spain SA). Spain.
- Carlos Lemos (Lisbon Medical School). Portugal.
- Carlos Luis Parra-Calderón (Andalusian Health Service). Spain.
- Carmen Angioletti (Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore). Italy.
- Catherine Chronaki (HL7 Foundation). Greece.
- Celia Alvarez-Romero (SAS - FISEVI). Spain.
- Constantinos Pattichis (University of Cyprus). Cyprus.
- David Rodríguez-Mateos (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). Spain.
- Diana Portela (Public Health Unit). Portugal.
- Eduard Jacob (Retired neuropsychiatrist). Netherlands.
- Elísio Costa (UCIBIO, REQIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto). Portugal.
- Esther Inau (Uni- Greifswald). Germany.
- Esther Román (SAS). Spain.
- Ezelsu Şimşek (SRDC). Turkey.
- Fabrizio Pecoraro (National Research Council - Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies). Italy.
- Fernando Latorre (ConnectHealth) Spain.
- Francisco Novillo Pérez (Orion Health). Spain.
- Franz Matthies (Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE) Leipzig). Germany.
- Giorgio Cangioli (HL7 Europe). Italy.
- Harshana Liyanage (University of Oxford). United Kingdom.
- Ian Harrow (Ian Harrow Consulting). United Kingdom.
- Jean-Philippe Goldman (Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève). Switzerland.
- Jessica Rochat (University of Geneva). Switzerland.
- Jiban K. Pal (Indian Statistical Institute). India.
- João Almeida (FMUP). Portugal.
- Joao Moreira (U.Twente). Netherlands.
- Jochen Knaus (Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center, University of Freiburg). Germany.
- Jose Emilio Labra Gayo (WESO - Web Semantics Research Group, University of Oviedo). Spain.
- Kerolyn Garcia (Brasilia University). Brazil.
- Laurence Horton (Digital Curation Centre). United Kingdom.
- Li Hui Lee (National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences). Taiwan.
- Lukas Huber (FH Kufstein Tirol). Austria.
- Malin Sandström (INCF). Sweden.
- Manuel Perez Perez (Atos Spain SA). Spain.
- Marek Matejak (Charles University in Prague). Czech Republic.
- Maria Luiza Campos (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). Brazil.
- Mario Rodriguez (Atos Spain SA). Spain.
- Marta Almada (University of Porto). Portugal.
- Matthias Löbe (Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE) Leipzig). Germany.
- Mauro Giacomini (University of Genoa). Italy.
- Mert Gencturk (SRDC Corp.). Turkey.
- Michelle Barker (Research Software Alliance). Australia.
- Miriam Quintero (Atos Spain SA). Spain.
- Na Li (University of Amsterdam). Netherlands.
- Nagarajan Ganapathy (PLRI, TU Braunschweig). Germany.
- Natacha Santos (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve). Portugal.
- Nick Lynch (Curlew Research). United Kingdom.
- Patrick Weber (European Federation for Medical Informatics). Switzerland.
- Philip van Damme (Amsterdam UMC). Netherlands.
- Priyanka O (UMC). Netherlands.
- Rebeca Isabel (AETSA). Spain.
- Rebecca Leary (Newcastle University). United Kingdom.
- Reme Melero (CSIC). Spain.
- Ricard Martínez Martínez (University of Valencia). Spain.
- Ricardo Cruz Correia (Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto). Portugal.
- Rita Silva (University of Porto). Portugal.
- Romain David (ERINHA AISBL - European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents). France.
- Romaric Marcilly (Lille Academic Hospital). France.
- Ronald Cornet (Amsterdam UMC). Netherlands.
- Rosa Liperoti (Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore). Italy.
- Sanja Hromis (Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina). Serbia.
- Santiago Aso (Atos Spain SA). Spain.
- Shanmugasundaram Venkataraman (University of Edinburgh/ DCC). United Kingdom.
- Sofia Tsekeridou (INTRASOFT International). Greece.
- Sorana Bolboacă (Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca). Romania.
- Thomas M. Deserno (Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics). Germany.
- Tomi Kovacevic (Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina). Serbia.
- Tony Hernández-Pérez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). Spain.
- Vasiliki Foufi (Division of Medical Information Sciences, Geneva University Hospitals & University of Geneva). Switzerland.
- Viviane Veiga (Fiocruz). Brazil.
- Yuandou Wang (University of Amsterdam). Netherlands.